
Call Roland today 0423 424 606

Company | Blue Sky Carpentry - Perth

Blue Sky Carpentry is a Swiss owned and run company based in Perth Australia with over 30 years experience. We are a small family run business dedicated to quality workmanship with attention to detail.

Honest, reliable and professional.

Quality carpentry services in every field.

Our aim is to exceed your expectations. In all aspects of what we do, we don’t believe in or encourage shortcuts – “good enough” doesn’t exist in our vocabulary.

Pride – Loving what we do allows us to take pride in our products and services.

Director Profile
Roland is born in Switzerland. After completing his secondary school he served as an apprentice in a Swiss carpentry company and successfully completed the trade certificate. To further improve the trade he worked in different carpentry fields for some years.

Roland then graduated a 12 month carpenter foreman school and completed this also successful.
To expand his work experience he lived and worked  in Canada (British Columbia). The challenge was to build a
“post and beam home” from scratch which means every size timber they used to build the home they had to cut it out from the raw timber logs first. He also experienced an inside on how to build traditional Canadian homes, the “log home”.

For some images of that home please view the following gallery: Post & Beam Home, Canada
Roland continues his career in Australia and established Blue Sky Carpentry.

The trade of carpentry is one of the oldest professions in the world and is a well respected tradition in Switzerland. Traditional Swiss carpentry training is very broad and therefore comes with great responsibilities. It is with great pride that these young men are released into the working world. In Europe the old tradition of “Wanderschaft or Walz” still exists, where fully trained carpenters leave their home town and travel throughout their and other neighbouring countries for the duration of three years and one day. It’s just allowed to work 3 month for the same employer, and then you have to move on to the next one and so on.

The reason to do this professional journey is to learn about different cultures, work related details all over the world and of course it will give you an unforgettable life experience.